NB Yoga & Wellness

Streaming Live Class: Mindful Flow
with Celina


August 28 (Sunday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
75 minutes

Mindful flow is a very basic yoga flow class, focusing on the fundamental principles of alignment and breath work. Emphasis is placed on student understanding, safety, and stability within each pose. Students will be guided through foundational yoga poses to help gain strength, flexibility, and balance through a variety of prone, seated, and standing poses. Perfect for beginners and experienced yogis who want the benefits of flow yoga with a slower, more mindful pace. 

This class will be streamed live via Zoom.  Participants will need to create a Zoom account prior to the class starting and register for the class via Punchpass.  10-15 minutes before the start of class, you will be emailed the class link to log on to Zoom. 
You can create a Zoom account here: https://zoom.us. or go to the App Store on your phone and download the Zoom Cloud Meetings App.


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